Australis Partners welcome Kurt Baker to the leadership team!


The Australis team are excited to add the skills and experience of our newest addition, Kurt Baker.

“Kurt, comes to us with a deep experience of local government, GIS, data and asset management, and rounds out the depth of skills we offer to service and support government and the private sector clients now and in the future. He is an excellent addition for supporting our organisation’s growth plans” says Jan Soer-Reime, Managing Director

Kurt has had various asset management related roles over the previous 12 years in NSW local government, working extensively across various areas and across the wide diversity of service infrastructure. With direct exposure to managing and administrating the complexity of government systems, operations and plans, and by being responsible for effective asset management, he will be an asset to the Australis team.

“We look forward to not only having him on board as a key team member, but we’ll also delight in his role in engaging with both public and private sector clients, as we move Australis towards realising its future strategy for growth” Jan said.


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