Australis Reviews NSW National Parks’ Public Facilities

With thousands of kilometres covered in native forests, over 6000 public facilities were reviewed by Australis.

No challenge is too big.

As somewhat of a highlight, Australis was selected as the strategic asset partner to review an extraordinary level of land and public facilities for the NSW government to assist secure a stronger path for forward-maintenance plans and defect management.

Assessed were campsites, caravan sites, lookout facilities and national parks cabins, even down to the solar panels. It has been a highlight of our substantive work in the past year.

Australis provided advice on all assets, their maintenance schedules and condition assessments, providing the defect reporting also. 

As indicated by Managing Director Jan Soer-Reime, “There is nothing more rewarding than knowing the work we do, makes a long-term difference to the environment and the community. When we were called to assess every single public asset in all of New South Wales government’s national parks – it was probably one of the most enjoyable projects to be engaged in. Not only did we have to ensure the assets were qualitatively and quantitively checked and assessed, but we took the time to implement what was a very physical assessment project, in a timely way. Our work included not just looking at each asset in isolation, but also, being sensitive to the challenging physical locations of some of the assets, we supported government to make the necessary remedial actions, or priority changes required, as quickly as possible.”


Changes coming to AASB 13 Fair Value via AASB 2022-10


Australis Partners welcome Kurt Baker to the leadership team!