Valuation Advisory
Helping create lasting value.
Whether you are doing organisation-wide asset valuations, buying or selling, or simply requiring to update your insurances, you can rely on us. Our expertise lies in ensuring the valuations of your tangible assets are always on target. We enjoy helping all organisations create lasting value.
We’re one of Asia Pacific’s most dynamic and well-resourced team of independent valuers and engineers with expertise in financial, taxation, asset management, market and insurance valuation services. The leadership team have consistently performed at the highest level in the valuation industry for the better part of two decades, and offer an unprecedented combination of in-house valuation, information technology, engineering and asset management expertise. Our team are registered, experienced and enthusiastic about assisting Australis clients across many industries as we have done for many years.
We allow for a more integrated valuations process and better utilisation of expertise and knowledge. We employ these steps; Diagnosis, Evaluation, Integration and Outcome.
Whether an asset is new or legacy, commonly used or more specialised in nature, we provide expertly prepared market valuations. Our detailed measurement and reporting will support your financial decisions short, medium and long term.
Our extensive hands-on experience and understanding of the learning that can result from a loss, with an insurable event, makes a difference. Whether it is mechanical, operational, community–level or environmental, our deeper in-situ knowledge has you covered.
All land valuations are conducted by registered valuers with relevant experience and there are stringent quality controls. Our senior partners are active in all projects and our cadets are also carefully mentored.
Our three-step valuation process is designed to assure you are of a greater depth of understanding, allowing a much fuller perspective.
Types of Valuation Services:
Our organisation has valued approximately 300 major projects worth over $200 billion in assets.
Experts at Large Portfolios
Our team has completed more than many projects across Asia- Pacific which have been large and often complex portfolios such as BHP, NT Airports, Melbourne Water, SRG Global, Australian Agricultural Company Limited. We come from extensive professional backgrounds working with and on large commercial projects across the Asia-Pacific and within and for many industries and sectors.
Industry and Property Specialists
Our team are recognised industry specialists across all types of commercial valuations. Our ability to assess and then address issues via critical value reviews, to support all your commercial properties and related assets and ensure you can make better decisions to sustain and develop your assets.
All sectors covered:
Housing and property, manufacturing, farming, retail, energy, major commercial infrastructure, mining and gas, transportation, commercial large project experience, and risk profiling and strategic advice.
Some of our recent diverse valuation projects have been:
• Brisbane Broncos
• Racing Qld
• Southbank Corporation
• Village Roadshow
• O’Reilly’s Retreat
• Stadium Queensland
A dedicated team focused on the detail.
All your tangible property assets are fundamentally important and require both more specialised and more experienced eyes.
We have dedicated valuers and engineers who work together to unpack any issues and opportunities in the process, providing property consultancy and expertise in the following areas:
• Residential and investment property
• Development of sites (site improvements - fencing, lighting, paths.)
• Land valuation (freehold, restricted land, parks, reserves, land under roads, community and crown land).
• Special purpose buildings such as; arts centres, churches, museums, laboratories, lecture theatres, airport terminals.
• Heritage buildings
• Parks such as park furniture, recreational and play equipment, canine agility infrastructure, amenities blocks.
• Schools, universities and education centres
• Infrastructure such as roads, bridges, carparks, water, sewer, airport runways, power plants, processing plants, and mining sites.
• Stamp Duty and Tax valuations
• Expert witness assessments
Accurate cover support to enhance your risk position.
Focus on the Big Issues
There is no need to over insure or be caught short. As your specialist insurance valuation partner, it’s our business to understand your organisation’s strategic and operating use of your assets, so you are in the best possible position to secure your organisation against all real and perceived risk.
Large Portfolios
As your large portfolio specialist valuation partner, including property, infrastructure and multi- locations, we will get it right. We will ensure you not only better anticipate catastrophic losses that could impair your future, but in addition, provide you more balanced and informed perspective across your portfolio of assets, with recommendations that provide insight in extracting the best cover value.
Insurance Assessment Services:
• Asset register reconciliation
• Asset profiling
• Comprehensive inspection and data collection programs
• Insurance Value Analysis – reinstatement, demolition and removal of debris, limit of liability, policy expertise such as periods, lead in and rebuilt timeframes.
Types of Asset Valuations:
Market and commercial valuations
Insurance valuations
Fair value for financial reporting purposes
Fixed asset register verification and due diligence
Tax consolidation valuations
Landholder transfer and stamp duties valuations